Mom! I’ve Been Thinking!

Mom! I’ve been thinking! Four words I’ve heard more times than I can count… Four words that’ve greeted me at doors, roused me from sleep, disrupted our homeschooling schedule, and interrupted my own train of interesting thoughts… Four of my very favorite words ever ♥♥♥♥   And so Paul’s doing a thing! He’s wrestled a[…]


legacy /ˈleɡəsē/ …the long-lasting affect of a particular set of events, actions, etcetera that occurred in the past, or the impact of a person’s life… …something imparted by or received from someone or something from the past… I recently learned when a midwife attends to a birthing woman whose birth she also attended, it’s called[…]

A Springful of Babies

It’s Sunday afternoon—it’s a granddaughter’s first birthday, my son and his wife’s seventh wedding anniversary, and Father’s Day! I updated this three days later on the first day of summer so I could capture our final spring birth ♥ I’ve held off updating my statistics as I’m sooo close to attending my 700th birth, but[…]

To Facilitate an Unwinding

CFT Training in Colorado Springs!

“This therapy follows the flow and needs of the body that is unwinding. It’s gentle and effective for any age, from newborns to the elderly. It’s based around the concept that you always work with the body and never against it.” Betsy Richards, CFT Practitioner

Five Years!

“There it is! Oh, God, thank you. I found the stone farmhouse easily enough. It was the only one along that isolated stretch of gravel. But it was the isolated stretch of gravel I had troubling finding in the gloom of the rain-splattered night. My nerves and stomach were coiled into a knot so tight[…]

The Gillespie Approach’s Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)

Betsy Richards, our practice’s senior apprentice, recently completed her Craniosacral Fascial Therapy training with the Gillespie Approach! She’s able to work with babies, children, and adults and, as a client of Betsy’s myself, I can say she has a lovely touch and does truly excellent work! Here’s what Betsy has to say about it! Have[…]

200 Reviews!

Friends! A Midwife in Amish Country now has 200 reviews on Amazon!!!!!!! A midwife in Missouri stumbled across the book and reached out to me on Facebook to tell me she was reading it and enjoying it! I was so blessed! I truly do love hearing from those of you who’ve read and enjoyed the[…]