Oh, Please! Hire a Birth Photographer!

Many thanks to Danica Donnelly for inviting my to share how I feel about birth photography on her blog! It was a joy to write a short story about a thing I cherish so!

And I do cherish it so!

Yes, I’m a midwife and I get paid real money (well, usually–I’ve been known to accept butter, firewood, eggs, and vegetables–among other things–in lieu of cash from time to time) to help folks give birth at home, but it’s so much more than a job to me! In my mind, in my heart, it’s a chance to better the world, one magical experience at a time.

Besides immortalizing the most profound moments of our lives, birth photography is an amazing way to spread the magic around so folks wanting some for themselves can know there’s really lots and lots of it out there–and I’ve been known to chip in on the cost and/or discount my fees for those with such desires!

Click on the link below to see what else I have to say about it, as well as to take in a wonderful sampling of pictures!

A Colorado Midwife’s Perspective on Why You Should Hire a Birth Photographer

Kim Woodard Osterholzer, Colorado Springs Homebirth Midwife and Author

Books by Kim:

Homebirth: Safe & Sacred

Homebirth: Commonly Asked Questions

A Midwife in Amish Country: Celebrating God’s Gift of Life

Nourish + Thrive: Happy, Healthy Childbearing

One Little Life at a Time: Recommendations + Record Keeping for Aspiring Homebirth Midwives

2 thoughts on “Oh, Please! Hire a Birth Photographer!

    • It’s so interesting you say that as I’ve just been asked by another photographer if there’s anything I regret about my own births, and my answer hands-down is the dearth of professional photographs!!!

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