A Valentine’s Baby

With pleasure, I introduce to you a most charming woman and the tale of her firstborn child. Not only is Katherine the wife and mother of a sweet family, the writer of lovely stories, and a teacher of drawing and painting at Hillsdale College, she also is the creator of glorious works of art which may be viewed on her blog,[…]


I threaded my car slowly along the familiar roads – Truckenmiller, Rambadt, Bucknell, Wasepi, Lepley – winding past one farm after another, many laden with a decade’s worth of memories, some even with two. Showers of bright leaves drifted through the shafts of sunlight that penetrated the craggy limbs hemming in the sky like giant golden snowflakes, swirling in eddies stirred[…]

Meet Laurie Zoyiopoulos, Midwife from Michigan

Meet Laurie Zoyiopoulos, CPM, serving mid to Northern Michigan!  Laurie’s one of my favorite people on earth!  I’ve known her nearly twenty years.  I met her in the 1990s, though I imagine I came close to her the first time I attended a Michigan Midwives Association Meeting (MMA) in 1988!  Laurie’s attended the births of[…]