Elizabeth Davis’ Endorsement!

“The beauty of midwifery care is that it serves Motherbaby in all circumstances and belief systems. In A Midwife in Amish Country, Kim Osterholzer has written her story of becoming. May it inspire midwives of every persuasion to follow their calling as it comes from the core of who they are, because truly, this is[…]

Other Lessons Learned Among the Amish

“Something I really do admire about the Amish is the way… their lives keep them close to the rhythms of the earth… in sync with the rising and the setting of the sun.” A little snippet from A Midwife in Amish Country Celebrating God’s Gift of Life “We turned to watch the stout, apple-cheeked Amishman[…]

Leslie Gould’s Endorsement!

“Lyrically written and profoundly told, A Midwife in Amish Country is impossible to put down. Kim Woodard Osterholzer’s story—of faith, family, and midwifery—embraced me on the first page and held me tight until the very last word. Her authentic insights, including into the Amish families she served, left me rejoicing in the beauty and holiness of birth[…]

Rahima Baldwin Dancy’s Endorsement!

“A Midwife in Amish Country is a moving book about accepting and growing into one’s calling, including the highs and lows of homebirth midwifery and lots of terrific birth stories! Kim Osterholzer is an engaging writer, inviting the reader to follow her through her years of apprenticeship serving women and families as they bring new[…]