Back Home—Veronica, the Windi, and a Pair of Vaselined Babies

The theme of my posts these days seems to be “done is better than perfect!” So, here’s another little snippet of my life for you taste. It’s not perfect, but it’s done, and I do hope you enjoy reading about it as much as I did living it! Here we go! We threw a party[…]

WooHoo! 100 Reviews! And Ouch

So, yes! WooHoo!!! A Midwife in Amish Country has 100 reviews on Amazon!!!!!!! I have to admit, though, they aren’t ALL positive reviews! Ironically, number 100 wasn’t positive! Extra ironically, number 100 was written by Peggy Vincent, the author of Baby Catcher, a midwifery memoir I’m in love with! Ah, well. Peggy was actually gracious[…]