Breech Pro in Colorado Springs 2022

We just can’t get enough of these people, so they’re coming to us again, Wednesday, 1 June 2022!

This will be a full-day event with lots of options provided alumni as to how they’d like to participate, ranging from attending a two-hour block of simulations; attending the full day, to include a two-hour block of simulations and other activities; plus the option to renew their access to Breech Pro for another year at only $50.00.

I was able to attend a Breech Without Borders seminar in the summer of 2019, and then was blessed with the opportunity to partake a second time in the late autumn of 2020! It’s by far the best course on the subject I’ve ever experienced. Though homebirth midwives aren’t allowed to attended breech births here in Colorado, we can just never know when we may encounter a surprise! In such cases, adequate preparation very often makes the difference between life and death.

Completion of the course provides attendees with 18 CEUs.

Breech Without Borders is also offering the opportunity to win one of four handmade, foldable birth simulators with each registration!

Click on the link to sign up!

Kim Woodard Osterholzer, Colorado Springs Homebirth Midwife

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