Another Wonderful Book by Dr Sara Wickham!

Anti-D Explained is the much-anticipated, updated version of Dr. Sara Wickham’s very first book, Anti-D in Midwifery, Panacea or Pandora? The essential issue associated with possessing a blood type absent the rhesus factor (also known as being of a rhesus negative or Rh negative blood type) while carrying and bearing babies is the same issue associated with the topics Sara covers in her other books–Birthing Your Placenta (with Nadine Edwards), Inducing Labor, Group B Strep Explained, Vitamin K and the Newborn, and What’s Right for Me?–and that essential issue is that of our individuality.

On a level, committees making decisions regarding what’s best for most of us makes sense. It reduces the amount of time we, practitioners and individuals alike, need to spend researching and thinking about things, which can be nice because our lives generally overflow with things we need to think about.

On the other hand, when committees make decisions regarding what’s best for most of us, our opportunity to make decisions that’s best for us individually is eliminated.

Because most of us are most of us, that may not be problematic.

But most of us isn’t all of us, is it?

When it comes to considering what should or shouldn’t be done to your body and/or to the bodies of your babies, it’s your literal birthright to be granted the time and space you need to study and think and determine what you consider to be the best choice for you and yours as unique entities in the midst of this great sea of humanity, especially as it’s primarily you and yours who’ll live with the rippling ramifications of whatever choices are made.

So, if you happen to be one of those individuals who’d appreciate the chance to study and think and make your own well-informed decisions regarding your body and the bodies of your babies, Sara’s books are the books for you.

And if you happen to be of an Rh negative blood type, Anti-D Explained is very definitely the book for you.

In Anti-D Explained, Sara once again describes a confusing and emotionally-charged subject in a remarkably easy-to-understand fashion, beginning with the facts about blood types and the potential problems that accompany blood type disparities in childbearing. she then explores the options for reducing the incidences of those potential problems while also addressing the potential problems with those options, and, finally, Sara closes with an answering of the questions she’s most often asked about the subject.

Again and again and again, thank you, Dr. Sara for working so diligently to unearth and bring clarity to the complexities of birthing our babies in this complicated world–you’ve made another beautifully successful effort!

Click on the link below to order your own copy of Anti-D Explained!

Anti-D Explained

From there, add her other excellent books to your cart!

And then be sure to pay her a visit at

Kim Woodard Osterholzer, Colorado Springs Homebirth Midwife and Author. And Grandma ♥

Books by Kim:

Homebirth: Safe & Sacred

Homebirth: Commonly Asked Questions

A Midwife in Amish Country: Celebrating God’s Gift of Life

Nourish + Thrive: Happy, Healthy Childbearing

One Little Life at a Time: Recommendations + Record Keeping for Aspiring Homebirth Midwives

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